Central Michigan Episcopal Covenant

Mirriam Webster dictionary defines a covenant as: a written agreement or promise usually under seal between two or more parties especially for the performance of some action.
The vestry and people of St. Andrew's in Big Rapids, and St. Mary's in Cadillac have discerned God calling us into covenant to combine our gifts and treasure in relationships and ministries. Both parishes are active in being God's hands and feet in our communities and are committed to using the resources God has given us to continue the ministries that meet the needs of people in our communities. Together we believe that we can learn from and support each other as we contine to listen for God's call for ministry and worship. The lay ministries that have grown out of necessity are now embraced as callings to show God's love. As we move together into further relationship and ministry, we look forward to finding ordained clergy called to come along side us to listen to God's call for the future.
In 2016, the vestry of St. Mary's decided to evaluate/revise their mission statement. They recruited a facilitator to assist them in looking at the current mission statement and embark on the process of determining what they felt their mission statement should say. After some discussion and an exercise in finding themes that they felt reflect their goals and mission, the group decided on the current mission statement. "Our mission is to live out the Great Commandment: To love the Lord with all our heart, mind, and soul, and ​to love our neighbors as ourselves"
Unbeknownst to the people or vestry of St. Mary's, St. Andrew's followed a similar process early in 2019 but they went through the process with the congregation. They decided to adopt the mission statement of "Seeking every day to love God with our whole heart, mind, and soul, and to love our neighbors as ourselves."
The joint search committee never discussed the mission statements and the fact that at the current time our missions statements are the same is a testament to our common goals and missions. Although we are two parishes, we are united in the same mission toward the future in our separate communities.
Please join us at one of two faith filled communities to worship and learn about the many ways to spread God's love in our world.